Lindsay Keegan Photography

Lindsay Keegan Photography



Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Harmon Extended Family

This family braved the elements...and literally melted through their session!  Despite the heat, we got some amazing pictures.  I adore this family and am so thankful they chose me to capture this time in their lives!!!

Abby turns ONE!

This sweet girl turned ONE!!!  I am going to miss my sessions with this sweet family.  Thank you so much for a wonderful year Davis family!!!

Birch Twins

These two were beyond fabulous for their session!  Their Mom and Dad were seriously pros!  They were calm and seemed to have it all together!!!  I cannot wait to follow them through the year!


This guy literally FROZE his entire session.  It was spitting snow on our way to the session yet he took it all in stride and did an amazing job hiding how cold he was!!  Thank you Reid!!!

Boyd Family

This session was planned months in advance.  I spent much time writing social stories and talking to this little guy about eye contact and smiling.  I'd say he knocked it out of the park!!!