Lindsay Keegan Photography

Lindsay Keegan Photography



Monday, April 22, 2013

Supporting Shannon

Exactly 2 years ago, I met a little girl at school.  She came to me for a Speech/Language evaluation.  She was 3 years old but wasn't talking...along with some other concerns, too.  I managed to fall in love with her the first time I met her.  And I have found a friend in her mother along the way.  We have kiddos that are the same age and seem to go through many challenges around the same time.  It's always nice to have someone who understands the emotional roller coaster you go through when your first child starts kindergarten, or when your "baby" has to get tubes. 

Shannon found out her mother was in kidney failure and she didn't hesitate to go through testing to see if she was a match.  She has 4 kids (who are absolutely gorgeous, by the way) and is a busy lady but she never questioned whether she would do this for her mother.  In November, Shannon found out she was a match for her mom and wanted to do something fun to share her news.  I was HONORED that she would choose me to help with her plan.  We met after school and what you see below is how she announced the good news! 

I still get goose bumps thinking about this selfless act Shannon is doing.  It makes me teary to think about what her children will see through her actions...they won't just "hear" that you should show love to one another...they will get to "see" their own mother give the biggest gift of all...the gift of life!!!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

52 photos

A little over two years ago I decided to challenge myself to a photo a week...52 photos for the year.  It seems simple enough.  But, when you work a full-time job, the end of the week can sneak up on you.  Not to mention that two years ago I was spending every free moment I had with my one year old and 5 year old...and I was trying to just learn my camera at the time.  By the end of year, I had a learned a ton and I was SO proud I made it through the challenge.  Last year, I decided to do it again.  My goal was for each week to be as "professional" as possible.  So, it was often others that I photographed.  It was anything I deemed as a good know, the right lighting, no limb chops, etc. 

This year, I decided I wasn't going to do it.  I was burned out.  I wanted to focus on my kids and documenting our little life and our moments.  Then I found a lifestyle photographer I adore.  The way she sees light is amazing and when she posted she was doing a 52 week challenge, I accepted.  I decided I would learn from her, use her weekly challenges, but document MY life.  52 weeks of pictures of my life...what can be better, right?? 

I know I won't blog about my weekly photos on this blog but since I ADORE silhouettes and think this week's picture is TO.DIE.FOR., I thought it was a good choice to officially start Lindsay Keegan Photography.