Lindsay Keegan Photography

Lindsay Keegan Photography



Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Personal Share

Another week of my 52 photos that I'm simply in love with.  The theme for week 19 was "drama."  I could have gone a hundred different directions.  Heck, just taking a picture of my kids would have been drama enough! ;)  But, in photography, the lighting is everything.  So, what better way to make a dramatic photo than to manipulate the light?

In addition to learning light, my goal this year is to document my life in these 52 photos.  This week, Ainsley has begun writing her name.  She stands at our easel every night and draws people.  She writes letters and sometimes, if we are patient enough, she'll write her entire name.  That's what she is doing here (with her Jasmine costume on, might I add).  This picture captures the concentration on her face.  I love that her left hand is holding the cap of the marker and I adore the dramatic lighting, which is there just enough to lighten her sweet face. 

Week 19..."drama"

Eason - 9 months

I can't say enough about this sweet family.  Maris was the person who told me I was cancer free.  I'll never forget being called from the waiting room and hearing her words.  The next week I had another surgery and she came to check on me, "just because."  She is a Godly wife and mother and I am blessed to call her friend.

This session got cancelled twice but when we got to finally do it, it couldn't have been more perfect.  The weather was gorgeous and the lighting was awesome! :)