Lindsay Keegan Photography

Lindsay Keegan Photography



Friday, October 13, 2017

Baker Bowden

I can't get over the adorable shots we got of this little guy.  And I ADORE how his Mom incorporated the tie that his daddy wore in their wedding!!!

Davis 3 months

This little love came for her 3 month (almost 4 months) pictures and was amazing!!!  Her big brother was pretty awesome, too! :) 

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Palm Girls

I loved getting to spend some time with these girls.  They attend the same school as my daughter and it was fun to see what they had in common, what classes they share, etc.  Thanks for a great session, Palm family!


This little beauty turned 6 months and I LOVED every second of her session!!  Isn't she gorgeous?!?!?

Thomas is ONE!

Y'all, I say this every time but my one year sessions FLY!  I cannot believe this little guy is one.